Simplified Blog theme is a minimalist and responsive hassle-free theme. You can customize text, links, heading, meta, background colours, fonts (from google fonts), upload your logo and start blogging right away. No need for css editing. Theme provides multiple widths: 980, 1280, 1400, 1600 and 1920px. Blog, single post view and page views can all be separately set to use left sidebar, right sidebar or no sidebar at all (you can also style them on per page basis). SimplifiedBlog supports various post formats, two widget areas and a custom menu below the logo. There is also a responsive mobile layout for people browsing using smartphones. The theme is being continously updated and is bug-free and ready to use. Minimised CSS for child theme building is included. There are dedicated support forums available.
Theme’s features:
- Fully customisable from WordPress admin
- Mobile friendly
- 3 sidebar configurations (left, right, no sidebar), selectable on per page basis
- Support of all post types
- Multiple widths: 980, 1280, 1400, 1600 and 1920px
- 30+ Google fonts, enhanced Cyrillic support
- Breadcrumbs navigation built-in
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Optional widget pack
Several widgets that can be installed as a plugin and are specifically optimized to work with Simplified Blog Theme.
- Widget plugin (Enhancement suit plugin) download: espro
Child theme
The best way to make changes to WordPress themes is through the child themes. You can download the child theme for the Simplified Blog theme here:
- Simplified Child Theme: simplifiedblogpro-child
Some example websites on Simplified Theme (send me link to your website!)
Please use this form to ask questions/ request support. I will get back to you via email.